Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The fascination of pain

It's funny, when I was young I used to look in the mirror and think of bad things to cry about, I guess when we are too young, we don't understand what real pain is and what fascinates us about it being a part of our life. At a certain age nothing seem to stop you from doing what you're doing but once you grow up the same things turn into a big question which you can't find an answer to... But the question remains that even after brainstorming so much why aren't we able to make the right decisions?
Is it the pain that we are afraid of ? Or is it the fear or making the wrong decision for yourself ? And eventually ending up being hurt, or in short in "pain" so what's the big fuss about pain anyway when it is a part and parcel of life. Why don't we accept it the way we accept happiness? Well I guess the answer to that would be, that as we grow up meanings and our view on things change and so does the view on pain. Apparently when we grow up the only thing that we never get an answer to is that what is pain and what is the exact feeling of pain ?
But the thing is, if we get exposed to the meaning of it we will understand that it is nothing but and expression or a feeling, just like the feeling of love, happiness and fear, pain is also a part of them.
As a child I introduced myself to pain and I'm glad that I became friends with it at the early stage of my life... We are pretty good friends now.. Neither of us are willing to leave each other, whenever one of us leaves, the other drags the other down again because separation is not what we practiced a lot in the earlier stages. But the point is that we have learnt to live with each other, and I won't mind accepting that every once in a while we cut each other some slack.

I'm glad we have that understanding.

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